With Pro Senectute and FAIRTIQ, go mobile no matter what your age | FAIRTIQ

Written by Cornelia Wenger | Marketing | October 15, 2019

With Pro Senectute and FAIRTIQ, go mobile no matter what your age

“An app? That’s nothing for me! I’m way too old for that kind of thing.” We don’t like to argue but a statement like this one leaves us no choice. FAIRTIQ is not, as many assume, an app exclusively for digital natives. Far from it, in fact! The average FAIRTIQ user is 47 years old age and is as likely to be female as male. 

Age and gender are no barrier to becoming a FAIRTIQ user. Our mobile ticketing solution is open to anyone who wants to travel sustainably and simply. No PhD in public transport pricing models required. 😉 

Deeds, not words

The simplest solution for everyday mobility, for everyone, everywhere: that’s the FAIRTIQ vision. One way we have put these fine words into action is by teaming up with Pro Senectute to provide special FAIRTIQ courses in selected Swiss cities.

Getting started

At these courses, participants will download the FAIRTIQ app, set up their individual FAIRTIQ account, and learn how it all works. At the end of the course, the class takes a short bus ride together so that they can immediately put their newly acquired FAIRTIQ skills to the test.

Find a course in your area

Visit the website of your cantonal Pro Senectute organisation (top left, select region).

FAIRTIQ makes radio contact

📻 Swiss Radio and Television (SRF) recently attended a Pro Senectute–FAIRTIQ course in Bern as part of the Musikwelle radio programme. Take a listen to seniors waxing lyrical about their FAIRTIQ experience!