Visit us at Transport Ticketing Global.

 Olympia, London | Stand H51 | March 5-6, 2024

FAIRTIQ will be showing the innovative mobile pay as you go (MPAYG), App based ticketing system that makes travelling on public transport easy.

With over 140 million journeys in Austria, France, Germany, Liechtenstein and Switzerland, FAIRTIQ is leading the way for next generation ticketing and continuing to expand throughout Europe.

FAIRTIQ is ‘Shaping the future of smart ticketing & mobility’ with its hardware-free, cost effective and quick to implement solution. Come and see for yourself and find out more. We look forward to meeting you in person.

Key advantages

IC14 - VirtualTicket (1)

Check-in/Be-out (No Forgotten Check-outs)

IC27 - Progress-1

Proven to increase ridership with Fare Innovation and Targeted Incentives & Nudging

IC35 -  Corporate Travel-1

Seamless travel across multiple Fare Zones, PAYG Islands and Modes

IC06 - Market Proven

Market proven solution at scale with national and regional multimode transport networks

IC31 - Inspiration

Detailed Origin, Destination, Route and Interchange Analytics

IC07- Fast&easy

Hardware free, with minimum investment and short implementation timescales

IC08 - Insights

Sophisticated AI back-office fraud detection for revenue protection

You are welcome to book an appointment in advance with one of our experts on site.

Gian-Mattia Schucan

Founder & Co-CEO

Steve Broadley

Lead UK, Norway & Ireland
Sarah Collard

Sarah Collard

Head of Projects New Markets

Antoine Belaieff

Lead New Markets

Highlights during TTG 2024

Nationwide mobile-first ticketing in public transport free of physical infrastructure

6th March 2024 -12:00 - Theatre 1

Denmark has taken a global lead in establishing a coherent mobile-first pay-as-you-go nationwide ticketing scheme free of physical infrastructure for all public transport. The approach ensures a smooth customer centric solution as well as providing significant benefits in terms of low transaction costs. The presentation will give an overview of the project and the risks and levers in taking such an approach for ticketing in public transport.

The C-Suite approach: Evolving Transit Ticketing, what will the future look like?

5th March 2024 -10:05 - Theatre 1

Panel discussion with: Marcus Wright (Moderator), Noormah Mohd Noor (EXPRESS RAIL LINK), Shashi Verma (Transport for London), Barclay Hancock (Metrolinx), and Kasper Schmidt (Rejsekort & Rejseplan A/S).

Case Studies

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