7 December 2021

Here's to another great year for the FAIRTIQ family! | FAIRTIQ

Here's to another great year for the FAIRTIQ family! | FAIRTIQ

Here's to another great year for the FAIRTIQ family!


'Sustainability' is so overused these days that the concept risks becoming just another buzzword, stripped of any real substance. What do phrases like sustainable action, sustainable management and sustainable living actually mean in practice? 

"I care about the planet. A planet that is still livable for future generations."  

- Gian-Mattia Schucan, FAIRTIQ CEO and founder



Given the myriad meanings attributed to the concept, sustainability is unfortunately sometimes used rather inappropriately in certain contexts. The notion of sustainable management originally gained traction in the forestry sector, where it refers to the use and stewardship of forest resources "in a way, and at a rate that maintains their […] regeneration capacity, vitality and their potential to fulfil, now and in the future." To put it another way, sustainability is about drawing down the interest earned by the capital rather than drawing down the capital itself. 


The FAIRTIQ app aims to encourage more travellers to switch to public transport 

Every single FAIRTIQ app user is helping to drive up the modal share of public transport, one of the most environmentally friendly ways to get from A to B.


Sustainable public transport use also high on the 2030 Agenda

In 2015 the United Nations General Assembly adopted the 2030 Agenda, a set of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These provide governments, civil society, the private sector and the scientific community with a roadmap to achieving a sustainable future for all.

Seven of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals also touch on the sustainable development of public transport provision:


  • SDG 3 Health & well-being
  • SDG 7 Affordable and clean energy
  • SDG 8 Decent work and economic growth
  • SDG 9 Industry, innovation and infrastructure
  • SDG 11 Sustainable cities and communities
  • SDG 12 Sustainable consumption and production
  • SDG 14 Life under water

Growing our business sustainably

We can only scale new heights if we pull together and work as a team. For proof, you need look no further than the last 12 months and the growing number of public transport partners who have joined the FAIRTIQ family. 



FAIRTIQ can now count on a network of 60 public transport partners in Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Germany and Austria, not to mention other countries and regions that are currently trialling our innovative ticketing solution. This year, FAIRTIQ celebrated its fifth anniversary. Since we launched in 2016, over 40 million journeys have been made with FAIRTIQ's technology and we now have a team of 100 passionate and motivated professionals helping us to carry out our mission and realise our vision.



Conscious gift giving is important to us

We have made a conscious decision to avoid the annual blitz of corporate gift-giving. But we still want to offer our trusted and loyal partners a small token of our appreciation. So, to celebrate the New Year, every member of the FAIRTIQ family will receive a card made from seed paper which, with a little love and care, will grow into a tiny green oasis. It is a gift that keeps on giving – to you, and to the planet. 



Growing your FAIRTIQ garden

If you want to plant the card outside, you should wait until spring. If you can't wait that long, you can plant it in a pot and grow it indoors. For best results, place the pot in a bright, sunny spot. Avoid placing it close to a radiator. Click here to read more about the company behind our recycled and biodegradable card.

  • Moisten the card and lightly cover with soil (approx. 1–2cm deep).
  • Place the pot somewhere warm and bright (avoid direct sunlight).
  • Water regularly. Do not let the paper dry out.
  • Wait and watch as your FAIRTIQ garden grows.

Update on our 2020 Christmas gift

Last year, our Christmas gift was a donation, on your behalf, to MyClimate. The company has helped us track our carbon footprint and we, in turn, sponsored its Shape your trip project, which encourages young adults to explore the environmental and social impact of their personal travel behaviour.
The centrepiece of the project is a major competition open to 14–25-year-olds. Entrants are asked to design and plan an environmentally friendly and sustainable trip.
Regrettably, the coronavirus pandemic meant that the competition could only be launched this autumn, when schools and colleges reopened. We can't wait to see what great ideas they have come up with!


Finally, happy holidays and a great start to 2022, from us to you! Together, we can realise our vision: 

Making mobility simple and sustainable, for everyone, everywhere. 

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