1 October 2019

Let’s meet at VISCon 2019

Let’s meet at VISCon 2019

VISCon is a large convention for all students interested in Computer Science. It is organised by the student association of ETH students and hosted by ETH Zurich. One part of VISCon is Symposium — a one-day event, where researchers and practitioners from the industry present their work. FAIRTIQ is part of the conference this year and our Chief Scientist Dr. Roman Prokofyev will talk about challenges using mobile sensor data in production. The presentation* is going to take place in room CAB G59 at 10:40 — looking forward to meeting all of you!

Did you know?

We also offer a couple of R&D internships every year and are always on the lookout for motivated students. So if you are a (PhD) student - register now and come and talk to us at the conference! 

You can learn more about engineering at FAIRTIQ here.

* The presentation will be held in English.