Mobility is a leading car-sharing provider in Switzerland. The cooperative's 245,000 customers, private and corporate, enjoy round-the-clock access to some 3,120 vehicles of various types at 1,530 stations across the country.
Cooperation between FAIRTIQ and Mobility dates back to 2019 and has taken a number of forms. More recently, Mobility announced that from now on it will cover 50% of the costs of its employees' return journey to the cooperative's headquarters in Rotkreuz (up to CHF 250/500).
In addition to over 40 public transport companies in Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Austria and Germany, FAIRTIQ can count on a growing network of private-sector partners, including HILTI, the tool manufacturer, and Mercedes. FAIRTIQ delivers bespoke solutions that provide employees with alternatives to private car use and make public transport a much more attractive proposition. One of these options allows employers to load credit on to their employees' FAIRTIQ accounts.
We spoke to Nadja Portmann, HR Business Partner at Mobility, about cooperation with FAIRTIQ to date and in the future.
FAIRTIQ: How did cooperation with FAIRTIQ come about?
Nadja Portmann:
Mobility has long enjoyed close contact with FAIRTIQ. After all, one of the central priorities of our business model is to encourage our employees to use public transport for all their commuting and other work-related travel.
In 2019, we replaced the SBB GA Travelcard with the FAIRTIQ solution for our longest serving employees who travel regularly for work. In January 2020, we rolled out the FAIRTIQ solution across our company. As of January 2022, Mobility no longer covers a share of the costs of an annual season ticket for our employees based in Rotkreuz. They now use FAIRTIQ instead.
Why did you decide to offer Mobility employees sponsored journeys (50%) instead?
Nadja Portmann:
We wanted to put our money where our mouth is! An effective and sustainable mobility solution and the targeted use of assorted mobility options fit perfectly with our core business.
How have your employees reacted to these developments so far?
Nadja Portmann:
The new solution has been generally well received. There is a clear willingness to change over from the travelcard to FAIRTIQ. There were some minor teething problems in a few isolated cases. But we were able to resolve these pretty easily.
What do you particularly like about the FAIRTIQ solution?
Nadja Portmann:
Ease of use, straightforward cooperation with FAIRTIQ, and most of all the precision-targeted participation in the work-related travel costs that our employees actually incur.
Have you any wishes for your future cooperation with FAIRTIQ?
Nadja Portmann:
We hope that FAIRTIQ will step up its work to address the needs of B2B customers, keep driving them forwards and professionalise the offering at the highest level.
What does sustainable employee mobility behaviour mean to you?
Nadja Portmann:
That employees make more conscious mobility choices. That they make a conscious choice about when they will work from home and when from the office. That they make a conscious choice with regard to the type of transport they use: public transport, bike, car or moped. And that they make a conscious choice about whether they 'have to' make a journey alone or can share the ride.