29 June 2023

"In FAIRTIQ, we have a partner that will help us achieve our goals."


Atoumod, a joint venture between several local public authorities ('syndicat mixte') in Normandy, was looking for an experienced provider who could rapidly develop and implement a customer-focused, turnkey pay-as-you-go solution for the region's public transport networks. In the following interview, Atoumod's director, Cédric Morel, recently explained why his organisation opted to partner with FAIRTIQ, and how it intends to gradually roll out the e-ticketing solution across the region.

FAIRTIQ: Let's start with a little challenge! Can you explain, in as few words as possible, how FAIRTIQ works?

Cédric Morel: It's a super simple, three-step solution: I open the app, swipe to start my journey, then swipe again to stop it when I reach my destination. The app then calculates the lowest available fare for my journey and bills me later. That's all there is to it!

FAIRTIQ is also a multimodal solution which fits perfectly with Atoumod's mission to enhance local transport to ensure different modes operate as a single integrated, multimodal transport network. So, it's no surprise that we hit it off!

FAIRTIQ: We couldn't agree more! In October 2022, you awarded FAIRTIQ the tender to develop and implement a pay-as-you-go system in Normandy. Can you tell us why?

Cédric Morel: At Atoumod, our mission is to improve access to public transport. We want to develop tools that make it easier to travel by train, bus and tram, and to switch from one mode of transport to another. There are several technical tools on the market already, but not all come up to scratch. In FAIRTIQ, we have found a partner that will help us see through this digital transformation smoothly and efficiently. What's more, the technology was explicitly developed to benefit users without imposing any extra burden on them.


"We took the successful implementation of the FAIRTIQ app across major mobility areas and even across entire countries as proof of its reliability and quality."


FAIRTIQ: We're delighted to work with you, too! Were there any other factors behind your decision to partner with FAIRTIQ?

Cédric Morel: The reliability of the FAIRTIQ solution really won us over. We took the successful implementation of the FAIRTIQ app across major mobility areas and even across entire countries as proof of its reliability and quality. We realised that the digital transformation process could only be achieved if we worked with 100% digital solutions. This will allow us to bypass as many technical constraints as possible, avoid interoperability issues with existing systems and cut infrastructure costs. We also wanted to have a solution that could be implemented fairly quickly. We were really keen to experiment and try out something new.

FAIRTIQ: And you've succeeded: the FAIRTIQ app is set to launch in parts of Normandy at the end of June.

Cédric Morel: Absolutely! We're very excited about the roll-out of this great app in Caen (Twisto), Le Havre (LiA) and on Nomad Car (bus) routes 111 and 122 that run between the two cities. We're finally going to be able to test it at scale and find out how passengers actually use it on an everyday basis.

We're also looking forward to seeing how operators take to this new tool. So far, they've been very enthusiastic about the additional sales channel that the app will offer.

Press conference on 28 June 2023

FAIRTIQ: Can you tell us more about the next stages of the roll-out?

Cédric Morel: After this initial large-scale test, the FAIRTIQ app will be gradually rolled out across other transport networks in Normandy. At the same time, we plan to integrate the pay-per-use also called pay-as-you-go (PAYG) in Atoumod's MaaS application, using the FAIRTIQ SDK.


"I believe that once you have used an application like FAIRTIQ, you'll never look back."


FAIRTIQ: Finally, what is the main challenge for Atoumod going forward?

Cédric Morel: Our aim is to develop increasingly effective, flexible and simple tools so that our users can enjoy hassle-free travel. I believe that once you have used this type of application, you'll never look back. In FAIRTIQ, we have a partner that will help us achieve our goals.


The app launched in Caen and Le Havre on 28 June 2023. The launch was accompanied by a multichannel marketing campaign developed by FAIRTIQ in close cooperation with Atoumod to encourage the public to try the app for themselves. Marketing activities will continue after the launch to build customer loyalty and bring new users on board.
Find out how FAIRTIQ used its marketing expertise to win back users in Germany here.




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