23 June 2021

Summer is here! Time to hop in and go on a trip.

Summer is here! Time to hop in and go on a trip.
When the distance lures and the sun laughs, we finally travel again

The winter was cold, the spring wet and the restrictions on mobility drastic. But now it's finally warmer again and the measures have loosened. Do you also feel a great desire to finally see something different than just the walls of your home office and the same old surroundings? Here are a few tips for summer activities and excursions in Switzerland and Liechtenstein.  

Schloss Lichtenstein
Schloss Liechtenstein


Vaduz, Liechtenstein
Getting to know the neighbour

Liechtenstein, also called the "Ländle" in our country, is somehow quite similar to Switzerland: You pay with Swiss francs, speak German and are there in a short travel time. And yet it is a different country, a separate state with its own history. But what do we even know about our immediate neighbor? Maybe you think it's time to learn a little more about the small state across the Rhine. So why not go to Vaduz? Here, since 1438, stands the building that today houses the Liechtenstein Landesmuseum. In addition to the permanent exhibition on the origins of Liechtenstein, the special exhibition "Fairy Tales, Legends and Symbols" can be visited until mid-September - an exciting experience for young and old, where everything revolves around European legends in general and Liechtenstein myths in particular. 

By the way, in the building where the museum is located today, there used to be a tavern, where Johann Wolfgang von Goethe is said to have stayed in 1788. If that is not a reason for a visit!

But with which ticket should one travel to Vaduz now? After all, Liechtenstein is abroad. Don't worry about that: You can start the FAIRTIQ app as usual, check in, board the bus and train, and get going. The local transport company LIEmobil is one of many FAIRTIQ partners. 

Gitschenen, Uri


Gitschenen, Canton Uri
In the peace lies the power - at over 1500 meters above sea level.

While we're on the subject of national history: How about a little trip to a Swiss UR canton? The canton of Uri has real oases of tranquility to offer away from its tourism hotspots, which of course also have it all. One of these places is located at more than 1500 meters above sea level, is called Gitschenen and is situated above Isenthal. In about 30 minutes, you can reach the cable car St. Jakob by Postauto from Altdorf, board a gondola there and float up to the heights. The alp Gitschenen is situated on a sunny terrace and can only be reached on foot or by gondola, making it a place of peace, beautiful views and fresh air. 

Once you have reached the top, you can either hike off to different demanding tours or go directly to the mountain inn and enjoy yourself there. If you want, you can stay overnight and enjoy a night's rest that really deserves the name.

Aare, Bern


Aare, Canton Bern
Everything in flow

After the rather wet and cool spring months, how do we enjoy the warm rays of sunshine that these summer days finally bring us! What we have been waiting for. You almost don't dare to say it - but after some time in the sun you can still hear the first quiet groan: "Whew, that's hot!"

Well, you can not have everything. But you can do the right thing in warm temperatures. And that is usually to go to the water. The water of the Aare is guaranteed to be cold enough. A trip on the Aare River from Thun to Bern offers cooling and adventure in one: This trip takes a good four hours, depending on whether you take a barbecue break along the way. You glide along quietly, through green riverside scenery and past sunny hills. And if it gets too hot, you can simply jump overboard. 

You don't need to bring anything with you on this excursion except swimming trunks, a sun hat and a picnic. And you can get to Thun and back home from Bern comfortably by public transport.  

Ägerisee, Zug


Ägerisee, Canton Zug
Let go of the rudder and enjoy the ride

Some like to have the rudder in their own hands and have fun steering the dinghy down the Aare. Others prefer to delegate this task to others. After all, we are talking about leisure activities here. On Lake Aegeri in the canton of Zug, you can safely leave the steering to others. The small, idyllic lake rests in the middle of a hilly moraine landscape and can be cruised in all directions by boat.  

Simply jumping overboard is not possible here, however. If you are looking for the cool water, you can go to the Unterägeri lido, for example, and lie down on the warm pebbles after swimming - almost like a beach vacation, only quieter. And without sand everywhere.  

If you prefer to be a little more active, you can get on your hiking boots or bike and cover a few kilometers. Tips for routes are available here



Baden, Canton Aargau
A coffee from the master, please! 

One thing that should not be missing from this list of tips for outings is a visit to a coffee shop - after all, it's finally, finally possible again. So either you grab your current favorite book, leave the laptop in the home office and seek out your favorite coffee. Or you treat yourself to something really special: a visit to GapsCups in Baden, for example. Here, your coffee will be prepared by none other than Gijtipong «Gap» Thangsubutr, two-time Swiss Latte Art Champion. Flowers in a cappuccino? Piece of cake for Gap. And the coffee under the layer of milk foam is also of the highest quality, with around 100 different and exquisite coffee beans on offer in the GapsCup.  


Have we awakened the wanderlust in you? Then all you have to do now is pack your backpack, start the FAIRTIQ app, hop in and enjoy!

Have a nice trip!