FAIRTIQ launches a new be-out feature

When our users speak, we listen. A perfect case in point is Smart Stop, the latest addition to the FAIRTIQ app.
One of the most common queries to the FAIRTIQ Customer Care team comes from users who forget to end their public transport journey in the app.
Upon request, FAIRTIQ sends passengers a reminder at the end of their journey and offers to check out for them.
Smart Stop is powered by extremely intelligent technology, which does more than detect when the user is no longer on public transport and then send them a reminder. After all, the lack of movement may be due to the passenger quickly changing from one means of transport to another. [what does the app do?]
The FAIRTIQ app is trained to identify different types of movement.
By analysing location data, FAIRTIQ technology can tell whether the app user is walking or stationary, and whether they have switched from one means of transport to another, e.g. from a bus to a car or taxi.
The new feature only works when enabled in the FAIRTIQ app.
This means that the user always has control over this smart technology.

Smart Stop does nothing without the user's permission.
As soon as the system suspects that a public transport journey has ended, it starts a countdown and sends a push notification to the user's smartphone.The user can simply let the app check them out automatically. Alternatively, the user can check out manually or stop the countdown if they want to continue their journey.

©Rhein-Main-Verkehrsverbund GmbH (RMV) Chris Christes
The Rhein-Main-Verkehrsverbund GmbH (RMV) and Rhein-Main-Verkehrsverbund Servicegesellschaft GmbH (rms GmbH) have been heavily involved in a German government-funded project 'EiLo – Einsteigen und Losfahren' (Board and Go) on GPS-assisted mobile ticketing. It has generated a wealth of insights, many of which are being trialled in combination with FAIRTIQ technology as part of the 'RMVsmart In/Out' project.
"With Smart Stop, FAIRTIQ has responded in a tangible way and in record time to the fundamental desire to do away with the check-out process. It is great to be able to count on a highly innovative partner and we look forward to offering our In/Out pilot users the opportunity to put this automatic check-out feature to the test very soon. In the RMWsmart app, it is shown under the name of 'Be-Out'. Prof. Knut Ringat, RMV Managing Director
FAIRTIQ-CEO Gian-Mattia Schucan and FAIRTIQ-CTO Michel Yerly answer key questions about 'Smart Stop':
How does Smart Stop know that I have switched from the bus to my car, even though I am still travelling on the same route that the bus takes?
Michel Yerly:
We have developed a machine learning system that can distinguish between cars and buses. It is able to do this because it has been programmed with timetable data and public transport stops. Also, it knows that cars normally do not have to wait at these stops.
How does Smart Stop actually detect when a public transport journey is over?
Michel Yerly:
Our algorithm constantly analyses location and motion data in real time. From this information, it assesses the probability that the user has completed their journey and has forgotten to check out. As soon as the system is sufficiently sure that this is the case, the user receives a push notification informing them that the journey will end automatically in five minutes. Due to the fact that the FAIRTIQ system filters out 'non-public transport' components of the journey, this message is usually only sent when our algorithm detects that the person has remained stationary for a certain length of time.
Does Smart Stop affect data privacy?
Michel Yerly:
As a general rule, we only collect data that we really need. This means that we do not collect any additional data via Smart Stop. It works exclusively with the data that the app already uses for journey recognition – location data, motion data and, from time to time, data from beacons on public transport stops. As soon as Smart Stop ends the journey, so too does the data collection process.
How are the data stored?
Gian-Mattia Schucan:
The data are encrypted and stored on secure servers. Initially, they are not anonymised because we need to have personal information to allow us to respond to feedback we receive from the user, for example. Once our 'after-sales service obligation' has expired, we completely anonymise the data.
Would you like to find out more about FAIRTIQ?
Contact our public transport experts today.
Reto Schmid
Business Development Director
+41 79 611 84 55